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Top 100 IT Leaders

Who takes part

Executives, leading digitalization within companies, such as CIOs, CDTOs, CTOs, CISOs or equivalent top managers.

Who casts votes

Verified members of the Global CIO community with "Professional" status.

How the listing is determined

Candidates submit applications and, upon approval, engage in the voting process.

The goal of the “Top 100 IT Leaders” is to introduce the most outstanding experts and executives who create innovative products and managed projects in digital transformation. Let's get acquainted and share our experience with peer IT Leaders!

How to take part in the "Top 100 IT Leaders" list:
  • We encourage CIOs, CDTOs, CTOs, and other executives to submit applications. You are also welcome to nominate your fellow candidates. Participation is free.

  • Applicants are required to provide a referral from a fellow CIO. This recommendation is validated through an automated email sent to the provided email address in the application form.

  • The listing is segmented by industries. IT suppliers are also encouraged to participate in their respective categories. Most categories are designed for IT leaders in enterprises, but there is a special category for founders and IT leaders of startups.

  • The project consists of two stages: application submission and verification, followed by voting. The purpose of the voting is to validate the stated competencies through community recognition. Additional votes could be earned for achievements as a Global CIO member.

  • Only registered members with "Professional" status are eligible to cast votes. While there is no limit on the number of votes, each member can only vote once for a participant.

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