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Etibar Aghayev

Etibar Aghayev

Dashkasan Iron Ore

Brief Biography

Etibar, a 35-year-old technology executive with over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Etibar's career began as an ERP administrator at one of the largest retail companies in Azerbaijan, where he managed the enterprise resource planning system.

Throughout his career, Etibar has gained experience in various aspects of IT, including network and system infrastructure, project management, leadership, and strategy. Currently, he holds the position of Head of IT at an iron ore company, overseeing all aspects of the company's IT operations.

Etibar holds specialized certificates, demonstrating his commitment to professional development and growth. In his role, he works closely with other executives to align IT initiatives with the company's overall strategy and ensures that technology is leveraged to achieve business objectives.


Built and enhanced the capabilities of IT departments.

Established comprehensive Information Technologies strategies.

Directed the construction of IT infrastructure and data centers.

Managed numerous IT projects successfully.

Automated a significant portion of business processes.

Monitored all technological operations and ensured they align with organizational objectives.


(PMI-ACP)® Agile Certified Practitioner

CompTia® CIOS IT Operations Specialist,

CompTia® CNIP Network Infrastructure Professional

ITIL® 4.


  • Leadership skills 2
  • IT strategy development and its implementation 1
Total number of points 3
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