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Blessing Maseko

Blessing Maseko


Brief Biography

Blessirepeatedly successful as the executive leader at the helm of visionary strategies, transformation, pivotal initiatives, and radical problem-solving that propels growing SAICA to scale and gain competitive advantage in a digital world. He's visionary IT Leader with CIO Blend, reinforced by the experience of 22+ years in building and spearheading a secure, reliable, and available IT infrastructure while directing continuous improvement, development, growth, and service excellence of the IT infrastructure. He has distinguished career in driving the cutting-edge IT initiatives as per business objectives – utilized far-sighted vision coupled with innovation abilities to modernize IT operations, minimize technological risks, bolster competitive edge, and enhance client satisfaction. With IT acumen in maintaining overall enterprise-wide effectiveness and efficiency.


His experience in global IT operations and cross-cultural team management have championed the adoption of cutting-edge digital transformation technologies, such as cloud computing and AI, to drive innovation and competitive advantage. At SAICA, he spearheaded the migration to a cloud environment, digital transformation which has provided the agility needed to respond to market demands swiftly.


Strategic IT Roadmapping | IT Management | IT Infrastructure | Executive Leadership | Big Data Analytics | IT Project Management | Decision-making | Technology Change Management | Mobile and IoT Technologies | Enterprise / Cloud Architecture | Business Process Improvement | Application Development | Business Continuity | Technology Management | Amazon (AWS) and Microsoft Azure | Microservices and Containerization | ERP (Dynamics 365, SAP, Syspro and SAGE) | People Management


  • Effective team building 1
  • Risk management 1
Total number of points 2
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