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Nariman Mukushev

Nariman Mukushev

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Halyk Bank
Halyk Bank

Brief Biography

Started his career in 2005 at Kazkommertsbank JSC. Over 6 years,he progressed from a specialist to the Director of the Department of Innovative Technologies.
In 2014 he started working at Kazpost JSC as Managing Director and Director of the Information Technology.In 2014 he became the Chief IT Director. Later he joined the company’s Board of Directors as Managing Director of Innovations and IT.
In June 2018 he became Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.
In 2020-2021 Nariman worked as Managing Director of Bi Group and General Director of BI Innovations.
In 2021, Nariman joined Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC as Managing Director.In 2022 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank.


The best CIO, CTO of the year,Growth Forum, 2018.
In 2019 the digital office of the Ministry was acknowledged as the best among governmental bodies.
«Project of the year»,Global CIO,2023.
«Top digitalizer» state award,2023.
Ambassador of "The world of equal IT opportunities" project.


Management, Google analytics, M&A, LEED, GovTech, entertainment services, travel industry, retail banking, credit cards, XSL, PL/SQL, IT Strategy, IT management, database design, software development, databases, XML

Global CIO achievements



  • Leadership skills 2
  • Commercial success of implemented solutions 1
Total number of points 11

Participation in the “Project of the Year” contest

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