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Lead Generation

We can suggest the most effective strategies for promoting IT solutions and finding potential client companies that require your services using the following options:

  • Email outreach to 5,000 subscribers, including 3,000 IT executives.
  • Turnkey webinars. Includes webinar announcement, audience invitation, registration, technical support, posting of materials for a year, and leads transfer.
  • Leads “per article”. Exclusive content accessible upon registration, with promotion on the portal, individual newsletter, and digest announcements.
  • Analytics preparation on a specific topic with contact access.
  • CIO surveys with lead generation elements to understand IT solution needs and communicate with IT managers.
  • Event invitations includes individual mailing, banners, portal announcements, digest mentions, and social network postings.
  • Social media publications. The company has around 1,000 LinkedIn subscribers and a blogger with 5,000 subscribers.
  • Portal banners.

Please indicate what tasks you are facing, and we will select effective and proven options to achieve them. We will be happy to send you a schedule of our events with available slots.

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