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7 Rules for IT Specialists to Work Effectively

With the development of digitalization, a wide variety of information has become available and is produced in huge quantities. Therefore, people and organizations are increasingly overloaded with an abundance of information. Information Overload Day was recently celebrated, designed to draw attention to the problem.

One of the most "affected" industries is information technology. IT specialists are at the forefront of new technology development and, as a result, are subject to "bombardment" of huge amounts of information and produce it themselves. Sergey Szhenov, Director of Cloud Solutions at EdgeCenter, talks about effective strategies that help combat stress and information overload.

Aggressive information environment

Researchers estimate that by the early 2000s, the information produced by humanity in just two days was equivalent to the entire volume of information created between the beginning of human civilization and 2003. Since then, the development of information technology has accelerated even more, with COVID-19 serving as an additional catalyst. The workplace has undergone an unprecedented digital transformation since the pandemic, with online and hybrid workplaces experiencing a surge. But even stationary roles are increasingly intertwined with digital technologies, which are changing the organization and the entire work dynamic.

Overload, or as some researchers call it, infoxication or “infobesity,” occurs when we are bombarded with so much information that we have trouble processing it and making decisions. Empirical evidence shows that the phenomenon is not only associated with emotional consequences, but also leads to cognitive changes. In a letter recently published in Nature Human Behavior, scientists argue for information overload to be recognized as a form of environmental pollution because it poses no less a danger to society and individuals. Overload leads to stress and burnout, various health complaints such as high blood pressure, is negatively associated with job satisfaction, and is associated with productivity losses. Finally, overload affects the quality of decisions.

Why is an IT specialist vulnerable?

Among the main causes of information overload are the development of technologies that have made access to information as simple as possible. Digital gadgets and computers provide access to information around the clock. The second major source of infoxation is social networks, which have even formed the FoMo disorder, when a person constantly checks the feed in fear of missing something important. News feeds also do not help to avoid stress. Another factor that overloads our heads with unnecessary information is ubiquitous advertising. These sources of information are available to everyone and negatively affect any person, but it seems that the risks in the IT industry are even higher. There are several reasons:

· Very fast development of technologies. New programming languages, frameworks and tools, working inventory appear and transform with incredible speed. IT specialists need to constantly update their knowledge, which requires significant time and intellectual resources.

· Multiple sources of information: Webinars, online courses, blogs, social networks and professional communities all create a flood of information that is difficult to filter to select reliable and relevant sources.

· Multitasking: IT professionals often work on multiple projects at once. This requires not only high technical skills, but also the ability to quickly switch between different tasks, which can lead to fatigue and decreased productivity.

· Continuous learning: In the IT industry, the need to continuously learn new things has become a must.

Rules for effective work

1. Prioritization of tasks

As an example, consider the ABCD method – a simple and effective way to prioritize tasks, which is especially useful in the IT field, where it is often necessary to manage many tasks at once. Make a list of all current tasks. They can be divided into four categories, which will make it easy to determine what to focus on first.

A (Must do) – critical tasks with high priority that need to be completed immediately. They may be related to critical bugs, deadlines, or important releases. For example, fixing a serious security vulnerability or completing a feature that needs to be launched tomorrow.

B (Should do) – important tasks are also important, but not as urgent. They should be completed after category A tasks. For example, improving application performance or adding new functionality that is not critical for the current release.

C (Could do) – tasks that can be done if there is time left after completing A and B. For example, refactoring code or writing documentation.

D (Delegate) – tasks that can be delegated to other team members or contractors. For example, routine tasks such as testing or updating documentation.

Clearly prioritizing tasks helps avoid being overwhelmed by uncertainty. And delegation helps distribute the workload and increase overall team productivity.

Read more materials on this topic in Compass CIO

2. Time management

One of the basic principles of time management is setting clear time limits for completing tasks. This helps to get rid of procrastination and focus on completing tasks on time. Research shows that working with set time limits helps to increase productivity and improve the quality of work. For example, the Pomodoro Technique suggests working for 25 minutes, then taking a short break.

Time tracking software like Toggl or Clockify can help simplify the management process. You can record how much time each task takes, which helps identify where time is being spent inefficiently. Some provide reports that show which tasks take up the most time, which allows you to optimize your work processes. You can also set time goals to stay within your planned schedule: the very fact that a specialist creates his own schedule and then follows it has a positive effect on overall job satisfaction.

3. Digital Detox

Set up notifications on your devices so they don’t distract you from important work. Use the “do not disturb” feature or turn off notifications during certain hours so you can focus on completing tasks without constant unplanned interruptions.

4. Organization of information

Use tools for data and project management. Foreign platforms in the Russian Federation, such as Asana, can now be replaced by Kaiten. This tool allows you to create task lists, set deadlines and track progress, which helps maintain order and structure in your work. Another important point is the ability to visualize the movement of the project. These can be timelines, kanban boards, etc., and it is desirable that the employee has a choice - which option will be more pleasant and visual.

5. Focus on one task

Avoid multitasking – it leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Focus on one task at a time. Use concentration techniques, such as the deep work method, to make the most of your time. Cal Newport, the author of the method, described an experiment at a software development company. By reducing the work week to four days, the company lost nothing. It turned out that the team was able to complete the necessary tasks in less time using the deep work method.

6. Health care

Working in IT often involves sitting at a computer for long periods of time. This causes physical inactivity, provokes spinal diseases, and can lead to obesity. Therefore, it is important not to forget about physical activity. Regular exercise not only helps maintain overall health, but by improving blood circulation, it helps reduce the effects of “infobesity” – improve concentration and reduce stress levels. Proper nutrition is another key aspect of health. Its quality affects cognitive abilities, energy levels, and mood. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that improved nutrition increases productivity by 20%.

7. Feedback and support

Teamwork is one of the most common forms of collaboration in IT. It can be a stressful process, especially now that many people work remotely and may not meet for the entire project. Therefore, it is important to organize regular feedback, the opportunity to discuss with colleagues the difficulties that have arisen in the project and receive recommendations for their resolution. Research on the effectiveness of teams shows that virtual teams especially benefit from feedback that combines performance-related information with information about team processes and/or psychological states, comes from an objective source (the role of the team leader is important here), and is aimed at the team as a whole, not just individual specialists.

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