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How to become a leader that is followed?

The topic of leadership is now at the peak of popularity, and everybody tells us how important it is to develop these qualities in yourself. And this is understandable, because in the situation of the demographic problem that we are currently facing, the issue of attracting, retaining personnel and effective management has become even more urgent. The competition for talent is a new reality.

And what does the business expect from the manager now? What kind of leader do you need to be in order for people to want to work together and be effective? A million different opinions on this topic. However, if you look at the most current leadership theories, most often we will see that people are most effective under the management in which they work.:

  1. A trust field has been created.
  2. The leader has influence. People nearby feel their own growth, see the influence of the leader on the company's growth.
  3. The leader leads the team to the result. The third point is possible in a situation where points 1 and 2 are implemented by the manager in managing people.

Let's talk about each of the most important components of successful leadership.

How do I create a trust field in a team? Of course, first of all, when there is trust in the leader and trust between people in general.

There are important components of trust in a leader:

  • This is transparency – people understand the logic of the leader's actions, see what he thinks, says and does the same thing;
  • Accessibility-the leader is clear in his ideas, open to discussion of other ideas, accepts the opinions of others, if he discusses, he always justifies his position;
  • Security-the leader does not create unpredictable risks for people, but creates a safe field for work and generally safe interaction. At the same time, people are not afraid to express their opinion, even if it is unpopular.

If we see that the leader has created a field of trust, then we can already talk about influence. If you look at the key types of influence, it is important to note that each is associated with closing the internal needs of people in the team. For some, one thing will be important, for others another, so we say that it is important to understand what people expect from us?

So, what types of influences are there?

Physical strength

This is our endurance and energy. It's no secret that each of us is born with our own VQ (vital force coefficient), and some of us have it higher, and some of us have it lower. As a rule, the higher the VQ – the higher the leader's ability to manage and keep important things in mind. That is why it is very important to manage your health first and plan not only important tasks of the week, but also moments when you can "charge your batteries". It all starts with energy, there is no energy – there is no quality interaction with yourself, people and influence as a result.

Position Strength (power)

The power of position gives us the right to make decisions about the well-being, work of people in the team, and also gives us the opportunity to receive important resources to achieve goals, specific "bonuses" for team members. The strength of your position depends on what role you play, whether you have real authority, and what relationships you build with your own level of management and higher management.

The better your relationship capital is, the more position power you have.

Resource strength (ability to close key needs)

It is very important to understand the needs of people in the team, research them, and not "think out" for people. Many managers believe that people only need money, but this is not always the case. Money is the foundation, but not the only condition for effective work. People work effectively when a positive atmosphere is created and productive relationships are built in the team, when culture creates a space for efficiency. And for each of us, something different is important: someone has relationships, someone has the opportunity to grow in a strong team, someone has interesting projects. If you study people's interests, it becomes much easier to build influence.

The power of authority

There is one important question that we often ask in management programs. It goes like this: "What do your employees respect you for?"

You can see a lot in the response to this question and in the answer itself, including whether you are an authority for the team or you are a manager with a weak influence standing alone. Authority is based on respect for the manager for the results of his work and the positive opportunities that he creates for the team.

Authority is the foundation of leadership.

Strength of personality

If you remove the power of position, the power of resources, people come to communicate with you? If a company suddenly goes through difficult times, is unable to pay bonuses, or, for example, has to work overtime for some time, what will happen to the team and people? Personal strength is determined by the strength of a leader's reliability for people, the capital of relationships, and generally important personal qualities for the team that keep employees close even in difficult times.

If we want to build trust, increase leadership influence, and lead the team to results, then summarizing all of the above, we can highlight the following small recommendations for development::

  1. Increase your VQ level. Energy is an important condition for leadership. It takes a lot of effort to set goals, drive people, and lead a team to results. What brings you pleasure? Which sport is most suitable for you? Plan your energy reserves in advance.
  2. Create a clear image of the result for yourself and your team, be accessible, predictable, and safe for people. And then it will be easier to go to the goals.
  3. Set goals, develop, achieve results, show your own example of achievement, grow in business-and then it will be easier to gain credibility.
  4. Develop managerial skills to build quality leadership.
  5. Build productive relationships at all levels, and be a diplomat to create relationship capital that will work for your goals and those of the team.

Build communication with employees, help them grow, do not ignore their requests, give them developing feedback, recognize their contribution, so that people feel your contribution to their development and well-being.

  1. Try never to get personal, it is important for people to maintain a good opinion of themselves even in the moments of the most difficult failure. Look for solutions, don't blame the employee's "guilt and debt" for the failure.
  2. Build development through the experience of strong and successful employees. It is important to scale the positive experience of "how to do it right" - adults learn through examples.
  3. Try to implement best practices and new tools to become even more effective, and also to make sure that people understand how the market is changing and change quickly along with it.
  4. Try to research people's needs and find methods of motivation that will be relevant to them.
  5. Sometimes ask yourself, do I want a boss like myself? Answering this question will help you improve your managerial role model.

These were the key recommendations. We will trust that they were useful for you! And yes, it's important to remember that leadership is about daily work. And no one but ourselves will do this job. We wish you successful work in this field!

Lyudmila Gorodnicheva
is a trainer, coach, and consultant to Right Solution executives, a practitioner with more than 15 years of experience in adult education and development.

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