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Using IoT to control temperature and humidity in Itella warehouses

Project manager on the customer side
Nikolai Galkin
IT Director
IT Provider
LLC Energoservice
Project timeline
September, 2019 - July, 2021
Project scope
5670 man-hours

One of the main goals is to show business and our customers the effectiveness of the proposed IT solutions and demonstrate what the use of modern technologies, including the Internet of Things, can bring to business and customers.

How the introduction of innovative solutions based on IoT allows you to create new services and products that differ from what we are used to and bring additional profit.

The uniqueness of the project

Itella faced a difficult task - to provide prompt and reliable information, both in real time and in a historical context with a given date range, on temperature and humidity readings in special storage areas and cold rooms at our warehouse complexes.

The idea of ​​the project arose on the basis of an analysis of the requirements of the GMP standard, advanced foreign experience, the experience of introducing IT innovations in the company and ahead of the requirements of our Clients.

During the implementation of the project, the architecture of the solution was finalized taking into account cloud technologies and import substitution. We were one of the first 3PL operators to use the Russian MasterSCADA software from INSAT, which was included in the Unified Register of Russian computer programs and databases, in accordance with the order of the Russian Ministry of Communications No. 538 of November 8, 2016.

The project architecture ensures ease of deployment and scalability, as well as integration with the Client's Personal Account in our iCRM system.

Used software

MasterSCADA from INSAT

DBMS based on MS SQL

i-CRM Itella 

IoT sensors and controllers from Energoservice LLC

Difficulty of implementation

Project Challenges:

  • Revision of the solution architecture from local to cloud with the change of software to the cloud MasterSCADA from INSAT

  • 100% coverage of all zones with control sensors and reliable signal transmission from sensors and controllers

  • Building "online" reporting

  • Integration with the client's personal account in iCRM Itella

Project Description

During the implementation of the project, a team was formed from employees of the IT Department, Quality and Operation Departments of Itell, engineers from Energoservice and developers from Insat. Overall project management was carried out by Itell's project office. The cascade method was used, which made it possible to quickly and efficiently implement the entire project as a whole.

A unique solution with a heterogeneous architecture allows using different hardware platforms running different operating systems, as well as different data transfer media between system nodes within one project.

Over 300 sensors and 10 controllers were installed during the project implementation.

A single monitoring center was created + local centers at all sites

The number of incidents decreased by 17%.

Implemented a unique client functionality for viewing reports on temperature and humidity conditions in real time from the Client's personal account in iCRM Itella

The indicator of the frequency of using the Personal Account in iCRM Itella increased by 21%.

Our customers have received a new service for the control and monitoring of temperature and humidity conditions for storing their goods in refrigerators.

Project geography
Russia:Three geographically distributed warehouse complexes in the Moscow region with an area of ​​over 200,000 sq. m. meters, which operate around the clock.
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