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Find & Search

IT Provider
Project timeline
November, 2023 - December, 2023
Project scope
2023 subscribers
Найти все вещи любого вида
Project Results
2023 F&S

The uniqueness of the project

доступность надёжность и удобность пользователю. это мобильное приложения
Used software
Android studio, Kotlin
Difficulty of implementation
Project Description
Project geography

June 2024 was a very dynamic month for AI and data analytics market, marked by significant events, product launches, and industry insights.

On June 4, 2024, the professional IT community Global CIO held its annual meeting with IT leaders from Kazakhstan. IT executives from leading companies in Kazakhstan were invited to the online meeting.

The big news of the past month was the launch of GPT-4o. This new version of generative AI now takes any combination of text, audio, images and video as input, and generates any combination of text, audio and images.

Inventory management plays an important role in retail development as it affects customer satisfaction, competitiveness and overall business performance. Azamat Nirov, Inventory Management product director at Napoleon IT, talks about the main differences in online and offline retail, as well as the factors that determine the specifics of these approaches.

On June 6, 2024, the professional IT community Global CIO held an annual meeting with IT leaders from Uzbekistan. The event named “CIO of Uzbekistan as part of Global IT community” took place at the International Hotel in Tashkent. The meeting was aimed to exchange best practices, experiences and get together IT leaders from Central Asia.
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