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Automation of the accounting and enterprise management system based on 1C:ERP

Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex LLC
Project manager on the customer side
Fakhriddin Eshkobilovich Kuvatov
Deputy General Director for Information Technology and Social Affairs
IT Provider
First Bit Sportivnaya
Year of project completion
Project timeline
January, 2022 - January, 2023
Project scope
7180 man-hours
  • Automation of the enterprise accounting and management system based on “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5” on the following circuits:

    • product sales;

    • procurement management;

    • warehouse and inventory management;

    • cost management;

    • treasury department;

    • maintenance and repair module;

    • vehicle management;

    • document flow;

    • production.

  • Construction of end-to-end management accounting;

  • Seamless integration with “1C:Document Flow”

  • Setting up integration with “1C:Accounting for Uzbekistan” and “1C:Salary and HR Management PROF”.

Project Results

The results of the project were:

  • the system of digitalization of the company based on “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5” was implemented;

  • the company's document flow was automated in the new accounting system;

  • the functional composition was expanded, the quality and efficiency of processes in the sphereof business process management, accounting, financial accounting and control of key indicators of the enterprise were improved;

  • optimized and increased the efficiency of interaction between all participants of processes in the automation system on the basis of the creation of a unified information space for monitoring and control, organization of electronic information exchange and document flow, taking into account solving problems of ensuring information security;

  • improved efficiency of the processes of forming and receiving reports, as well as the processes of forming additional consolidated reports and its presentating them to management for making managerial decisions;

  • the completeness and reliability of management information, its presentation in the required analytical slices, with the required degree of detail and in a clearer visual representation, including the use of graphical methods (diagrams) was improved;

  • the system-technical basis for integration of the developed system into a single information and telecommunication space of a territorially distributed organizational structure of the enterprise was created;

  • integrations with “1C:Accounting for Uzbekistan” and “1C:Salary and HR Management” was set up;

  • as a result of the project, the holding’s management decided that it was necessary to normalize master data within the entire holding by creating specialized structural subdivisions;

  • users started working 1 month after the start of the implementation project, thanks to implementation using Scrum + Agile technology. Also, thanks to user feedback, it was possible to identify all the necessary system improvements before finalizing the implementation of each automation system loop.

The uniqueness of the project

The project for implementing a comprehensive automation system was implemented using Scrum project technology using the Agile methodology. This approach was chosen by the First Bit team so that employees of the gas-chemical complex would startuseing the blocks of the new information system as they became ready. This approach allowed the integrator company to receive prompt user feedback on the operation of the functional system and adjust the operation of the software before putting it into pilot operation. As a result, the approach of the First Bit project team allowed to adjust the image of the final result of the finished automation system.

Agile is an iterative approach to software development and project management that helps teams respond flexibly to changes in initial or current goals and easily make adjustments to work processes.

Scrum is an agile project management methodology that is widely used in various business domains. It was developed to make teams more efficient and achieve their goals. Using Scrum can reduce product development time, improve the quality and flexibility of the process, and ensure constant adaptation to changing requirements.

Scrum involves organizing work in iterative cycles called sprints. At the beginning of each sprint, the team defines a list of tasks thay plan to accomplish. The result of the sprints was the launch of the functional contours of the “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5” software solution and the connection of users to it.

Used software
  • "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5" + modules

    • “1C:Enterprise Accounting for the Republic of Uzbekistan 1.5”

    • "1C:Salary and HR Management 3.1"

    • "1C:Document Flow 3.0"

    • The corporate system of the parent organization of Uzbekneftegaz JSC is “1C:Contracts”

    • Warehouse equipment: data collection terminal with standard 1C mobile application

    • "1C:Vehicle Management. Module for 1C:ERP"

Difficulty of implementation

Before the introduction of an enterprise automation system based on 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5, all accounting, document flow and other operations within the company were performed manually using Excel. The disadvantages of the existing system were compensated by the large amount of additional labor required by employees for manual processing of information. But even so, many tasks remained unsolved, since efficiency and managerial significance were lost.

Actual production costs were not collected and recorded, making it virtually impossible to analyze cash flows and budgetary controls.

In view of the increasing requirements for efficiency, detail and transparency of accounting, it was decided to create a unified system for maintaining operational and management accounting, collecting and generating reports with analysis capabilities, and monitoring processes in real time. The standard configuration “1C:ERP Enterprise Management” was taken as a basis.

In the system of the company Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex LLC, the accounting systems were separate and there was no integration between them. Entering operational data into related information bases required manual processing and re-entry of data.

Project Description

The Shurtan gas chemical complex was opened in 2001 on the basis of the Shurtan gas condensate fields. This enterprise is important for the economy and development of Uzbekistan and processes natural gas for the further production of highly profitable products. The enterprise processes up to 3.9 billion m3 of raw gas per year.

The complex is designed to produce 150 grades of linear polyethylene of high, medium and low densities.

The wide applicability, as well as the focus of the products of Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex LLC, ensures the sustainable and effective development of various sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan. This serves as a kind of catalyst for the introduction of completely new types of production and technologies and makes it possible to actively develop small and medium-sized businesses, as well as increase exportability in the republic.

Before the introduction of an enterprise automation system based on “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.5”, all accounting, document flow and other operations within the company were conducted manually using Excel. The shortcomings of the existing system were compensated by the large amount of additional labor required by employees for manual processing of information. But even so, many tasks remained unsolved, since efficiency and managerial significance were lost.

Actual production costs were not collected and recorded, making it virtually impossible to analyze cash flow and budget control.

In view of the increasing requirements for efficiency, detail and transparency of accounting, it was decided to create a unified system for maintaining operational and management accounting, collection and reporting with the ability to analysis and monitor processes in real time. The standard configuration “1C:ERP Enterprise Management” was taken as a basis.

In the Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex LLC system, the accounting systems were separate and there was no integration between them. Entering operational data into related information bases required manual processing and re-entry of data.

The following should be done before automation begins in the enterprise:

  • Break down the stages of implementation into phases

  • Prepare account balances by analytics for transfer to the new system

  • Prepare balances by organizations/contractors in the context of contracts and subdivision

  • Prepare balances by organizations/contractors in the context of commodities

  • Unification of directories and data normalization (Research data service)

  • Transfer and further enrich the necessary reference data from the “1C:Accounting for Uzbekistan” database

  • Prepare end-users to enter primary information into the system and its verification

  • Determine the compliance of the management and accounting chart of accounts and the account analyst

  • Develop a topology of address warehouses

  • Certification of equipment and maintenance of reference data [Maintenance and repair]

  • Prepare the technical base for implementation of the system

Project geography

The complex is located in the south-western part of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the desert sandstone territory of the Guzar district of the Kashkadarya region, built on the basis of the Shurtan gas condensate field.

And part of the production related to plastic products is located in the regional center of the city of Karshi of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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