background Layer 1

Complex digitalization program of oil & gas upstream and downstream assets

Project manager on the customer side
Dmitrii Krikunov
Head of production automation and optimization office
IT Provider
Project timeline
November, 2022 - December, 2023
Project scope
70 automated workstations
  • Increase refining and wells productivity by up to 10%
  • >70% of processing and production are controlled automatically
  • <1 hour incident response time
  • Reduce losses of raw materials and product by half
  • Production data is reliable
  • Corporate data platform – a single centre for managing production and processing

Project Results
The project is still in progress due to its scope; it is currently expected to achieve the initially set goals:
  • Increase refining and wells productivity by up to 10%
  • >70% of processing and production are controlled automatically
  • <1 hour incident response time
  • Reduce losses of raw materials and products by half
  • Production data is reliable
  • Corporate data platform – a single centre for managing production and processing

The uniqueness of the project

It is the first industrial digital transformation project of such scale in Uzbekistan, starting from basic industrial automation systems implemented at soviet era assets and transforming them to innovative industry 4.0 assets gaining value from artificial intelligence, advanced process modelling and platform-based approach. The project consists not only of implementing various IT systems but also the transformation of production-related processes covering hundreds of oil and gas wells and the second in terms of volume refinery in the republic.

Used software

· Platform - Zyfra IoT Platform (potentially), Indusoft potentially

· MES-level - Indusoft (downsteam) , OIS solutions (upsteam)

· PLC, SCADA - Siemens, HolLySyS, HoneyWell

Difficulty of implementation
Extremely challenging implementation due to:
  • Lack of IT infrastructure
  • Lack of IT solutions
  • Low level of basic automation
  • Low qualification of personnel
  • Lack of control and monitoring processes

Project Description

The initial state:

  • Data on the results and state of production is unreliable
  • Reporting is generated manually and submitted for review with delays
  • Information on key performance indicators is collected and entered manually
  • No historical production data
  • There are no modern sensors and process control systems
  • Downtime for non-technical reasons
  • Losses of raw materials and products
  • Planning product shipment, production and raw materials delivery are labour-intensive

Target condition:

  • Production planning and management functions are carried out based on up-to-date, reliable data on all assets
  • Automatic report generation for any period
  • <1 hour response time to production incidents, reduced downtime on all assets
  • >80% of production data is reliable
  • Reduced losses of raw materials and products at all assets
  • 5-8% increase in oil and gas production
  • >70% of production and processing are controlled automatically at all assets
  • A single platform integrates all information about assets


  • Installation of digital instrumentation and sensors, incl. multiphase flow meters
  • Installation of automated workplaces and training of personnel to work with them
  • Implementation of automatic process control systems in processing critical equipment and parts of technological processes
  • Installation of data transmission cable lines and deployment of secure wireless data transmission systems, sensors and SCADA at the most promising wells
  • Implementation of solutions at the level of MES systems in oil production and refining (operational management, electronic journal, material balance, energy control, laboratory information system, passport of technological objects)
  • Implementation of a unified data platform
  • Reengineering of production and business processes, implementation of new operating regulations

Project geography
Uzbekistan, 5+ regions of the country
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