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EzBagz - Self Service Bag Drop Solutions

Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
IT Provider
Materna IPS GmbH_
Project timeline
July, 2022 - April, 2023
Project scope
1760 man-hours

The primary objective of the EzBagz project is to enhance and revolutionize the passenger experience within the framework of the company's overarching digital transformation (DX) initiatives and the Future of Airports Operations strategy. The design of EzBagz is a proven and accepted system which fulfills International standards and delivers state of the art technology with beautiful and functional design. The specific goals include:

  1. Innovative Technology:

Adding state of the art fully automated Self Service Bag Drop units in a unique design based on the latest technology Flex.Go that gives the airport an improved look and unrivaled efficiency of passenger check-in.

  1. Seamless Passenger Processing:

Implement self service bag drop technology to facilitate smooth verification of passengers at the touch points throughout the airport journey. Eliminate the need for physical document checks, enhancing efficiency and reducing processing time.

  1. Integration with Future of Airports Operations Strategy:

Align the EzBagz project with the broader Future of Airports Operations strategy, ensuring synergy and coherence with the company's long-term vision for optimizing airport operations and enhancing overall passenger satisfaction.

  1. Optimized Use of Key Technologies:

Future proof with biometrics One Identity solution to enhance the overall effectiveness of the passenger processing system, providing a unified and secure identity management solution that aligns with industry standards and best practices.

  1. Enhanced Security and Compliance:

The implementation of facial biometric technology complies with all relevant security standards and regulations. Guarantee the protection of passenger data and privacy while enhancing overall security measures at airports.

  1. User-Centric Approach:

Prioritize the creation of a passenger-centric experience by focusing on user-friendly interfaces and processes. Solicit feedback from passengers to continuously refine and improve the EzBagz system to meet evolving user expectations and preferences.

  1. Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings:

Streamline airport operations by reducing manual document checks and improving overall efficiency. Identify opportunities for cost savings through the implementation of automated, technology-driven processes.

  1. Stakeholder Collaboration:

Foster collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including airport authorities, airlines, and regulatory bodies, to ensure a smooth and coordinated implementation of the EzBagz project. Address concerns, obtain necessary approvals, and establish a collaborative ecosystem.

By pursuing these objectives, the EzBagz project aims to set new standards in passenger experience, security, and operational efficiency within the context of the company's broader digital transformation and Future of Airports Operations strategy.

Project Results
The project concluded successfully in April 2023, with an official launch in May 2023. We initiated a pilot rollout with one airline at KLIA, surpassing the target of 700 baggage drops per day. As of September 2023, the total baggage drop reached 127,586 for an overall passenger count of 119,445, signaling a significant success in the adoption of EZBagz.

With the Service Provider offering a 5-year maintenance plan, system monitoring and support are provided on a daily basi, EZBagz stands as a key component of MAHB's IT digital transformation initiative, contributing to passenger experience enhancement. The solution aims to assist passengers, ensuring their journey is not only seamless but also memorable, creating positive and enriching experiences.

The integration of facial biometrics for check-in and enrollment has expedited the overall integration process with EZBagz. The solution has received positive feedback from many passengers.

The project's key success criteria are aligned with meeting expectations, providing passengers with a seamless experience through a new digital product, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

The uniqueness of the project

As an integral part of Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad's (MAHB) Airports 4.0 journey, the EzBagz project is at the forefront of the company's commitment to providing passengers with a seamless digital experience. Central to this initiative is the implementation of a sophisticated biometric recognition system, ushering in a new era of convenience and efficiency throughout the entire passenger journey.

Passenger Benefits:

For passengers, the EzBagz project promises a host of advantages. These include reduced queue congestion, contactless and paperless processes. With a 2 steps process which introduces passengers to self drop the bags immediately after obtaining the boarding pass and bag tag.

Beyond passenger benefits, the EzBagz project represents a transformative solution for airports. It optimizes operational efficiency, strengthens security measures, and enhances overall passenger flow. The implementation of biometric technology process enables faster and more efficient passenger handling, leading to improved on-time departures and an enhanced overall airport experience.

Agile Methodology for Efficient Implementation:

The EzBagz project's strategy embraces an agile methodology, ensuring flexibility, adaptability, and efficient progress throughout the project lifecycle. By adhering to agile principles, the project team can promptly respond to changing requirements and incorporate valuable feedback from stakeholders, resulting in a more successful and customer-centric implementation.

Gradual Adoption through Ramp-Up Program:

Additionally, the project employs a ramp-up program, gradually increasing the adoption of the EzBagz system. This phased approach begins with a limited number of flights or specific routes and expands gradually to cover a larger portion of the airline's operations. This allows for effective testing, evaluation, and refinement of the system before full-scale implementation.

Crucial Collaboration with Airlines:

Collaboration with airlines is a cornerstone of the EzBagz project strategy. Actively involving airlines throughout the project ensures that the system meets the specific needs and requirements of both the airlines and their passengers. Their expertise and insights contribute significantly to the successful implementation and adoption of the EzBagz system.

Utilizing Social Media for Outreach:

Furthermore, social media platforms serve as a key communication channel to raise awareness and provide information to the public. Regular updates, informative content, and engagement with the public on social media platforms help build trust and generate interest in the project.

In Summary:

The EzBagz project stands as a digital transformation initiative designed to deliver a seamless and enables faster passenger processing time. Through the automation and digitization of processes, the project aims to elevate the passenger experience, reduce queues, improve security, and optimize operational efficiency at airports. As the project progresses, it is poised to shape the future of air travel, setting new standards for convenience, efficiency, and security in the aviation industry.

Used software

Each EzBagz units shall be equipped with following standard Components:


-19 inch Touch Screen display

- Passport/ID reader


- Check-in conveyor belts with PEC sensors

- Camera solution for bag measurement

- Weighing scale with passenger and scale display

- Intrusion sensors

- 2 Nos Tipping device

- Receipt Printer

- SBD Control panel with 1x PLC

- Barcode reader

- Cove lights

- Modi Facebar Biometric Camera


- Materna IPS Flex.GO - Dual Lane


- AWS Cloud Service

- Meraki Routers

Difficulty of implementation

Implementing the EzBagz project that involves various external stakeholders and requires multiple integrations with different parties is a complex undertaking. The intricacies of such a project extend beyond the technical aspects, delving into collaboration challenges, privacy concerns, and the opposition to the principles underlying the deployment of facial biometrics.

1. Diverse External Stakeholders:

  • Challenge: Managing diverse external stakeholders, including airport authorities, airlines, engineering department, technology vendors, and regulatory bodies, adds complexity. Each stakeholder has unique requirements, expectations, and compliance standards.

  • Solution: Establishing clear communication channels, engaging in collaborative decision-making, and ensuring alignment with the goals of all stakeholders can help navigate this complexity. Regular meetings and consultations facilitate a shared understanding of project objectives and foster collaboration.

2. Multiple Integrations:

  • Challenge: Integrating self service bag drop technology with multiple parties, such as baggage handling systems (BHS), security protocols, and EZPaz integration, requires meticulous coordination. Compatibility issues, data synchronization, engineering and system interoperability pose significant challenges.

  • Solution: Employing standardized protocols, thorough testing procedures, and robust communication channels can mitigate integration challenges. A phased integration approach, starting with key systems, allows for comprehensive testing and adjustments before expanding to other components.

3. Privacy Concerns:

  • Challenge: Deploying facial biometrics raises privacy concerns among passengers, as their facial data is sensitive and requires stringent protection. Complying with data protection regulations and gaining public trust is imperative.

  • Solution: Implementing robust privacy measures, obtaining informed consent, and ensuring compliance with data protection laws demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding passenger privacy. Transparent communication about data handling practices helps alleviate concerns and builds trust.

Successfully managing the complexity of BHS engineering and biometric processes involving multiple stakeholders and integrations requires a holistic approach. By fostering collaboration, addressing privacy concerns, countering opposition through transparent communication, and ensuring compliance with regulations, organizations can enhance the chances of success in the airport environment.

Project Description
MAHB has undertaken a project to modify existing Check-in row B at KLIA Main Terminal building to accommodate 6 Nos. new fully automated Self Service Bag drop units with hybrid counters in its infrastructure facilities. The program aims to make use of latest Common use technologies to improve the airport operations and enable faster passenger processing times.

The EzBagz project redefines the airport experience by serving as a unified token for various services, seamlessly connecting passengers to multiple facilities such as check-in, security clearance, lounge access, and boarding. Eliminating the need for traditional processes, EzBagz streamlines the customer journey, alleviating stress and enhancing convenience. This heightened experience fosters customer satisfaction, cultivating a positive impression that increases the likelihood of passengers choosing the airport for future travels.

Integration of EzBagz as a self-service bag drop solution brings about significant time and cost savings for passengers, airlines, and airports alike. Passengers can efficiently complete tasks and transactions, bypassing lengthy queues and minimizing wait times. This time-saving element enhances the overall customer experience, making travel more enjoyable and hassle-free. The efficiency gains contribute to increased passenger satisfaction and loyalty.

Project geography

The EZBagz project is strategically implemented at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminals 1, at check in counter row B. KLIA Terminal 1 serves as a major hub for domestic and international flights, hosting a range of airlines and accommodating millions of passengers annually. This project marks the initiation of the self-service baggage drop (SSBD) solution, revolutionizing the passenger experience. The supplementary EZBagz will be implemented across all Terminals 1 and 2 in 2024 and 2025.

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