background Layer 1

Digital Sales Performance Analytics (USVConnect)

USV Pvt. Ltd
Project manager on the customer side
Govind Joshi
IT Provider
USV Private Limited
Year of project completion
Project timeline
June, 2023 - February, 2024
Project scope
5500 subscribers
To deliver role based sales performance analytics for the USV sales force comprising of 5500 employees with below hierarchy.
1. 7 layer employee hierarchy from sales representative, Area Sales Manager, Regional Sales manager, Zonal Sales manager, National Head, Business Unit Head and CMO.
2. 2800 plus customers
3. 700 plus products
4. 3 countries, 9 zones, 100 plus regions and 500 plus territories

Duration for the analytics distribution:
1. Daily
2. Monthly
3. Fortnightly

Project Results
The sales analytics backed by automated distribution ensure material sales review process across the sales team with improvement in below KPIs:
1. 8-10% increase in process compliance
2. CMO contributed 0.75% sales growth to this initiative
3. Data driven business decision in terms of team expansions and target revisions

The uniqueness of the project

1. Users volume ( 16 divisions, 3 BUs and 5500 employees)
2. Automated distribution on tablets
3. Near real time data
4. Data sources in form of ERP, CRM, Event management system and e-Detailing

Used software
  • Data lake deployment with AWS services
  • APIs suit for source systems
  • AWS services for ETL tools
  • Shell and Python scripts
Difficulty of implementation
Most of the challenges were around functional KPIs being agreed at all levels.

Technology challenges included the below aspects:
1. Logs and error handling at the background jobs management
2. Sales and employee hierarchy management due to attrition

Project Description
Below analytics notebooks by roles were delivered in the project

Role: Sales Representative
1. Primary sales by brand, customer and territory
2. Secondary sales by stockiest
3. Sales targets vs actual with all requisite dimensions
4. Effort analysis (Key HCPs, Visit frequency, process compliance)
5. Training adoption and compliance

Role: Area Sales Manager
1. Primary sales by brand, customer and area by sales representatives
2. Secondary sales by stockiest
3. Sales targets vs actual with all requisite dimensions
4. Effort analysis (Key HCPs, Visit frequency, process compliance)
5. Training adoption and compliance

Role: Regional Sales Manager
1. Primary sales by brand, customer and region by ASMs
2. Secondary sales by stockiest
3. Sales targets vs actual with all requisite dimensions
4. Effort analysis (Key HCPs, Visit frequency, process compliance)
5. Training adoption and compliance

Role: Zonal Sales Managers
1. Primary sales by brand, customer and by RSMs
2. Secondary sales by stockiest
3. Sales targets vs actual with all requisite dimensions
4. Effort analysis (Key HCPs, Visit frequency, process compliance)
5. Training adoption and compliance

Roles: National head, BU head & CMO
The project involved below milestones:
1. Solution architecture design
2. Analyzing the underlined source systems
3. Identifying the integration layer and respective APIs
4. Data lake deployment
5. Data warehouse deployment
6. Presentation layer design and development
7. Analytics distribution with notifications

Project geography
One company code with 5500 employees, 16 teams
  • 31 states in India
  • Sri Lanka
  • Nepal

Additional presentations:
USV Data Lake- High level architecture (1).pdf
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