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From "Zero" to a New Electric Vehicles plant in China

Audi FAW NEV Company
Project manager on the customer side
Jorge Garcia Sotelo
IT Provider
Audi-FAW NEV Co and AUDI AG IT Teams
Year of project completion
Project timeline
January, 2022 - December, 2024
Project scope
300000 man-hours
The overall goal of the IT program is to deliver all agreed IT systems. The delivery includes the set-up of the IT infrastructure, provision of the agreed Audi IT and Group IT systems as well as the roll out and go-live of all agreed IT systems. The IT program agreed to deliver over 300 IT systems. After the go-live and hyper care phase, all agreed IT system will be handed over to the NEV-Co. IT department and the IT program will be terminated.

Project Results
Aiming to produce the newest Audi cars in China (for China) the IT project succeed on delivering:

• To attract, hire and train the best talents in China who will be responsible for the further operation (ca 100 team members)
• Overall solutions design, implementation and operation of all the technology necessary to run the most critical business processes.
• To implement all the business-critical systems.
• Define the overall IT digital strategy in one of the most digitalized countries in the world.

All these achievements were made on time or even (some of them) behind the committed schedules, always overcoming our business units' expectations.

With a high commitment, great service attitude and problem-solving approach but, overall, the service attitude demonstrated, the IT team now is positioned as one of the strongest teams

The uniqueness of the project

• First Audi plant in China.
• Due the pandemic restrictions in China, the team needed to adapt and re-define the implementation project.
• The team had to adapt the processes, systems and efforts in order to fulfill many (unknown) local regulations in regards of Information Security, processes, manufacturing, EV's production and Car IT policies.
• Multicultural, multilingual, several time zones and a highly diverse background of the team (mainly from China, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, India and Hungary), made this project a very special one for all the members.

Used software

Difficulty of implementation
First Audi plant in China.
Due the pandemic restrictions in China (2022 and 2023), the team needed to adapt and re-define the implementation project.
The team had to adapt the processes, systems and efforts in order to fulfill many (unknown) local regulations in regards of Information Security, processes, manufacturing, EV's production and Car IT policies.
Multicultural, multilingual, several time zones and a highly diverse background of the team (mainly from China, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, India and Hungary), made this project a very special one for all the members.

Project Description
Audi FAW NEV Company Ltd. will be a state-of-the-art production facility for all-electric Audi models, which is based in Changchun. The plant will be built on an area of around 150 hectares and, as the latest production site, will set new standards in the areas of digitalization, efficiency and sustainability. A central IT system, into which the neighboring supplier park is also integrated, will ensure efficient control and monitoring of all production steps. Audi's cross-site environmental program "Mission:Zero" sets the guard rails for sustainable production, with the aim of producing vehicles that are CO2-neutral in balance sheet terms. With an annual capacity of more than 150,000 vehicles, the new site will make a key contribution to the further electrification of the Audi product portfolio in China.

Aiming to produce the newest Audi cars in China (for China) the IT project defined the following goals:

• Design, implement and operate all the technology necessary to operate the plant.
• To implement all the business-critical systems.
• To attract, hire and train the best talents in China who will be responsible for the further operation (ca 100 team members)
• Define the overall IT digital strategy in one of the most digitalized countries in the world.

Project geography
Multicultural, multilingual, several time zones and a highly diverse background of the team (mainly from China, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, India and Hungary), made this project a very special one for all the members.

Many families came from different countries in the world, leaving behind their own families, friends and culture just to be able to participate and being part of this history.

Additional presentations:
IT 2024.jpg
鸟瞰图 Over view 05.jpg
总装车间 Assembly shop 05.jpg
电池车间HV Battery shop 01.jpg
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