background Layer 1

System for monitoring the implementation and support of various accounting systems in the holding

Group of companies "Prof-IT"
Project manager on the customer side
Zakhar Bondarenko
IT Provider
Group of companies "Prof-IT"
Year of project completion
Project timeline
September, 2023 - May, 2024
Project scope
3600 man-hours
Building an accounting system to control the implementation and maintenance of various accounting systems in the holding company.
Project Results
Project Results:
  • Application management system implementation/development - completed
  • Uninterrupted operation of all accounting systems of the holding company was ensured
  • The work on search and implementation of new accounting systems simplifying data entry and analysis is carried out on a permanent basis.
  • The loss of requests from employees of all holding companies has been completely eliminated.
  • Continuous monitoring of request fulfillment by the company's employees.

The uniqueness of the project

The implementation monitoring and support system is deployed on the holding company's servers. Employees of all companies have the opportunity to submit an application using the ‘one-stop-shop’ principle or by e-mail.
The system allows tracking the current status of applications and controlling their fulfilment.
Once a month, a full analysis/audit of current, new and closed applications is performed.

Used software
1C:Enterprise 8.x
Microsoft SQL server
Microsoft Windows Server + IIS
PostgreSQL + Apache
Difficulty of implementation
One of the most difficult moments in the project was the resistance of the holding company employees to the new application submission format. Previously, it was possible to call or write a letter to a consultant/executor.

The new support scheme implied that the holding company employees submit an application through the management system or write a letter to a specific address.

In agreement with the holding management, it was decided that applications received outside the agreed conditions will be ignored, and all users of the holding will be warned about this.

Project Description

The supported holding is always in the development stage: the number of companies is growing, new types of production are being launched, and the number of users is increasing. As a result, accounting systems in different companies may vary.

Therefore, it was necessary to provide the ability to collect all requests from all companies in a single system.
The system deployed on the holding's servers provides the following capabilities:

  • Collecting requests
  • Changing request status
  • Changing request priority
  • Monitoring request execution
  • Analyzing request performance
Project geography
Republic of Kazakhstan
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