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IS Biometric Identification (My ID)

Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Project manager on the customer side
Sodir Melibaev
Director of the IT Department
IT Provider
Year of project completion
Project timeline
July, 2021 - December, 2021
Project scope
100,000 subscribers
  • Simplification of customer identification processes by banks, credit and payment organizations, ensuring the availability of financial services to individuals, as well as protection of their personal data from fraudsters.
  • Providing the banking sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan with reliable and detailed information about an individual, to improve the quality of banking services or other services provided to the population and business.
  • Minimizing the provision of services on forged, alien or invalid documents, as well as providing convenience to citizens when receiving services in person in the absence of an identity card with them, by providing agencies with the possibility of identification (authentication) of an individual on the ground.

The uniqueness of the project

Allows the identification and authentication of individuals by the biometric parameters of the person (by the geometry of the person) to provide them with authorized online access to banking or other services.

At the same time, this system is:
  • open, flexible and adaptable to changes in external conditions (for example, changes in the regulatory framework or legislation), which reduces the cost of its support and maintenance;
  • ensures the performance of all functions provided for in this terms of reference;
  • allows for the evolutionary nature of creation and subsequent development by gradually increasing functions;
  • it has open interfaces for possible integration with other systems;
  • puts forward minimum requirements for hardware and technical means and qualifications of service personnel;
  • it has a user-friendly interface;
  • provides reliable storage of information and its protection;
  • provides search by various attributes of stored information

Used software

Software components in the form of program codes:
  • administration panel for connecting OAuth 2.0 clients;
  • web application for system users;
  • mobile application for the Android operating system;
  • mobile application for the iOS operating system;
  • the server part of the web application and mobile application.

Difficulty of implementation
  • Search for the appropriate developer and direct development of software that meets all modern information security requirements.
  • Integration with information systems of the State Personalization Center, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Central Database of Legal Entities in order to obtain biometric and biographical data of citizens.

Project Description
The biometric identification information system is designed to carry out genuine identification of individuals remotely or in person, by processing their biometric and biographical data with their consent.

This system provides for integration with the information systems of commercial banks and other organizations for the implementation of the procedure of authentic identification of individuals.

All capable citizens and legal entities can use biometric identification to receive services provided to banks, credit and payment organizations.

This system has the following advantages for the population and business:
  • increased demand for digital services, including remote provision of financial services;
  • optimization of business processes;
  • cost reduction and, as a result, profit growth;
  • maximizing the number of customer transitions through digital environments;
  • reducing the time spent by customers on financial transactions;
  • the emergence of additional financial services, etc.

It is implemented on the basis of a client-server architecture and includes a web server, a database server and an application server, mobile applications on Android and iOS.
Project geography
Republic of Uzbekistan
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