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GRAPHITE - geoanalytic system - digital twin of the city

Digital Tashkent
IT Provider
Year of project completion
Project timeline
June, 2020 - January, 2022
Project scope
150 automated workstations
The goal is to prepare and make strategic, investment and operational decisions at the city hall level, as well as to test managerial hypotheses.

The main goal of the development of GRAPHITE is the formation of a unified information and analytical geoinformation system that provides the aggregation of geodata in one place, effective integration, collection, processing, display and dissemination of spatial data and other information to support decision–making, the provision of geodata and tools to various user roles, the creation of algorithms and tools, services based on geodata for different groups users.

The uniqueness of the project

There are no analogues in Uzbekistan. An experiment that has already paid off the investment and has given positive feedback from both residents and departments at the city level. Including the President of the Republic.

A unique index of the comfort of the city has been created, which will allow the heads of municipalities to compete with each other

In addition, this project made it possible to combine more than 50 information resources of the city in one place with the help of a special gateway, link it to different reference books and to the city map and use this data with different frequency to objectively solve urban problems (strategic and operational) using predictive models, processed data, heat maps. In addition, other projects for different categories of users will be created on the basis of GRAPHITE, departments for information exchange will be connected, tools for data input, processing and transmission, geodata will be presented, business processes will be automated.
Used software
  • "Geointellect.Platform" (registration in the Register under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation by Order 665 of 30.11.2022) and Visiology BI
Difficulty of implementation
We have overcome regulatory barriers to interdepartmental interaction, which made it possible to freely exchange and develop the system further.

There were no technical difficulties, the main difficulties were in individual industry data, their accuracy, etc., but protocols, reference books were compiled, the necessary software was created, business processes were described to solve all these problems.
Project Description
Due to geoanalytics, large geodata, combining and digitizing various data from all departments of the city, the following management tasks were solved:
  • find out the problems of the city with social facilities on the comfort of living in Mahals (Municipal districts)
  • optimize the load on schools and other social facilities
  • predict the situation in the future, taking into account demographics
  • make a tool for competitions of Municipal districts of the city to improve their performance
  • it was possible to refute the hypotheses of cutting down trees in the city
  • it was possible to justify the placement of new markings, signs, traffic lights based on the frequency of accidents
  • expediency of previously made investment decisions: construction of parks, facilities and their approval processes (workflow)
  • automation of urban planning processes in the city, approvals (workflow)
  • automation of the processes of receiving investment applications
  • maintaining the address register and putting in order , standardization of addresses
  • collecting information from the population on problems and solving problems with the placement of containers for garbage collection and other problems with housing and communal services
  • putting things in order for monitoring ambulances, garbage trucks, public transport
  • support and development of tools for small businesses
  • laying of communications in the city and much more
  • The system allows you to test hypotheses and prove the effectiveness or non-effectiveness of decisions made in the city. It is the basis for data management and an analytical tool of the Situation Center.

Short video clip

The Municipal Geographic information and Analytical system or Geoportal - GRAPHITE with geoservices is a basic element of the municipal spatial data infrastructure. The most important element of the modern geospatial industry is geoportals as a means of access to geospatial information resources. The basis of this direction is the ideology of spatial data infrastructure. The main tool for accessing spatial information is GRAPHITE. GRAPHITE provides search, viewing, downloading metadata, as well as downloading and publishing spatial data and web services in accordance with access rights and the type of license to use the materials." It is worth noting that an important place is also occupied by geoservices – sets of tools designed exclusively for displaying and interactive work with geographical information presented in the form of maps, satellite images and their combinations.
The conceptual idea of GRAPHITE is the formation of a single entry point for different groups of users, depending on their values and needs in the analysis of geodata (public authorities, business, population, tourism).

The purpose of the system is to provide MU, as well as other GRAPHITE users with reliable and up–to-date cartographic and statistical information with the possibility of comprehensive analysis of this information for operational management decision-making and the formation of geodata for the provision of public services.

The main goal of the development of GRAPHITE is the formation of a unified information and analytical geoinformation system that provides the aggregation of geodata in one place, effective integration, collection, processing, display and dissemination of spatial data and other information to support decision–making, the provision of geodata and tools to various user roles, the creation of algorithms and tools, services based on geodata for different groups users.

Entry points are "scattered" depending on users in the form of Services. They are arranged in the form of industry sections of an external web portal related to GRAPHITE settings. When each service is turned on, an interactive map is loaded with the set of layers that a specific group of users needs inside the city of Tashkent and its agglomeration (in the form of services).

Tasks that GRAPHITE solves:

to assess and forecast the filling of the revenue part of the city budget related to operations on the use of municipal property and land resources;
to increase the investment attractiveness of the city by simplifying and speeding up the procedure for access to industry and intersectoral information available in GRAPHITE;
reduce budget expenditures by eliminating duplication of work carried out by municipal structures on updating and analyzing cartographic information;
to increase the efficiency and manageability of the process of interaction of MU information resources and other sources of information;
monitoring of the composition and condition of departmental and industry facilities of the city in the direction of each MU participating in information interaction;
the ability to predict departmental and interdepartmental indicators, analyze and study the dynamics of changes compared to the indicators of previous periods;
the possibility of familiarizing citizens with departmental information through publication on the GIS portal;
provide information and analytical support for the activities of MU and other GRAPHITE users, as well as events with the participation of representatives of government agencies.

 The solution allowed:
  • Create a digital twin of the city
  • Digitize underground and aboveground communications
  • Keep digital records of all urban planning processes
  • Create high-quality analytics on urban planning, urbanism and social sphere
  • Integrate into other processes of the city and keep records of the cadastre and toponymy
  • Create an address registry
  • Create official city public maps
  • Create maps and rules of interaction, tools for the work of architects and all other services of the khokimiyat
  • Keep records of demographics and its segmentation
  • Create an accounting and analytics tool on a geographical plane
  • Create a platform for the transformation and reengineering of administrative processes
  • Create a portal for integration with the police, ambulance, fire service and transport service of the city
  • To create a unique comfort index of the city, which will allow the heads of municipalities to compete with each other
  • The core is two software classes geoinformation system and BI. Here all the advantages of two classes of systems are combined and a solution with all the advantages is created: analysts, geoanalysts.

Project geography
Tashkent City (Uzbekistan)

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