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INTERNATIONAL FOODCHAIN analyzes sales in Uzbekistan using "1C:ERP World Edition", "1C:Catering" module and "1C:Analytics" BI-system

IT Provider
Year of project completion
Project timeline
April, 2021 - December, 2021
Project scope
2000 man-hours
  • Operational control of sales in each restaurant in real time and detailed sales analytics.
  • Creation of a unified information system for automation of production management accounting of the enterprise.
  • Implementation of the specifics of production accounting in terms of catering.

The uniqueness of the project

Within the project in Uzbekistan the BI-system "1C:Analytics" was one of the first to be put into production operation. Also for the first time in Uzbekistan the enterprise created and launched a unified information environment "1C:ERP World Edition" + "1C:Catering. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:KA2".

1C:Analytics" has a set of visual dashboards, which allow the management in real time to analyze sales both in each restaurant, and for the whole company in Uzbekistan as a whole: revenue by payment type (cash, several types of cards); hourly earnings for each restaurant and for all restaurants; indicator of current revenue, types of orders, the consumption of dishes, the consumption of combo boxes, etc.
Used software
1C:ERP World Edition: Supply of inventory; Warehouse accounting of inventory; Management accounting; Bank and cash; Fixed assets.

1C:Catering. Module for 1C:ERP: Production (Public Catering).

1C:Analytics: Sales Analysis.
Difficulty of implementation
Deployment of a single information system "ERP WE + Catering" and BI system "1C:Analytics". Complex adaptation of "1C:Catering. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:Integrated Automation 2" for joint use with "1C:ERP World Edition" configuration. Integrated information system "ERP WE + Catering" is a source of data for "1C:Analytics".

Development of integration between the customer's front system (R-Keeper 7) and the single information system "ERP WE + Catering". The result of integration were the customer's restaurant sales data, which were loaded into the unified IS in the form of catering receipts. Downloaded data serve as input information for operational analysis of sales by means of BI-system "1C-Analytics".

Works on development and adjustment of reports and dashboards, according to the customer's requests were done.
Project Description

There are more than 785 restaurants of INTERNATIONAL FOODCHAIN network on the territory of CIS countries. As part of the expansion of the network, the company opens restaurants in Uzbekistan - at the moment there are already 14 restaurants in the country.

Before the project, the exchange between the "1C:Accounting" 2.0 system and the "R-Keeper" system was adjusted to the specifics of catering enterprises. Due to the lack of management accounting in real time, the company did not receive information on inventory balances in a timely manner, which had a negative impact on the financial statements. It was impossible to analyze sales in real time - only at the end of the day. For the BI-system used it was necessary to constantly buy additional licenses, and it took time to connect each new restaurant to it. Given the high rate of development of the company in Uzbekistan, such delays were critical. Also, the company needed a system that would allow it to work with the specifics of the catering industry: write-offs of dishes, modifiers, etc.

Project results:

  • Fully automatic integration between the front-office system "R-Keeper" and the UIS ("1C:ERP World Edition" + "1C:Catering. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:KA2") was set up. Thanks to the integration, the formation of the document "release of meals" and write-off of materials in production is automated.
  • A complex of visual dashboards in 1C: Analytics was adjusted for on-line comprehensive analysis of sales. As a result, the company's management is able to analyze the course of sales in each restaurant in real time and at any time of the day: what dishes are sold, which segment of the product yields the most revenue, etc. Obtaining data for sales analysis was accelerated from 24 hours to 10 minutes.
  • Production and regulated accounting was implemented in 1C:ERP World Edition in accordance with the legislation of Uzbekistan and the specifics of the company, but with maximum preservation of the standard configuration.
  • User instructions for company employees in Uzbekistan were developed to speed up adaptation to the new system and to provide the possibility of using the system without developers' participation.
  • Deep analytical details of sales are set up without referring to additional sources: KKM, responsible manager, supplier of sold products, articles, nomenclature, the number of receipts, etc.
  • High speed of the system operation was ensured at the daily number of catering receipts of about 12,000 documents per day.
  • In the course of the project, the company's business processes were improved in accordance with international accounting standards.

Project geography
Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
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