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Transition to AXELOT WMS X5 allows Apple City Corps to deliver exceptionally fresh products to customers

Apple City Corps
IT Provider
Year of project completion
Project timeline
October, 2021 - April, 2022
Project scope
1471 man-hours
The customer's warehouses were already automated. However, the existing system no longer met the needs of the business. The lack of flexibility in terms of development and the high cost of upgrades prompted the company's management to decide to replace the WMS. Among the systems available on the market, the choice was made on AXELOT WMS X5 - a modern, flexible and productive system with open source software.

The uniqueness of the project

At the company's warehouse implemented: tracking the quality of individual employees in the warehouse at all stages, set up a strict adherence to the principles of FEFO and FEFO +, which increased control over the shelf life of goods and reduce the occurrence of illiquidity at the fault of the warehouse.
Used software
Difficulty of implementation
Several interesting solutions were also implemented as part of the project. For example, a waiting mechanism was implemented in the algorithm for replenishing the piece selection zone from the pallet zone. WMS plans the task of moving the pallet, and as soon as there is some free space in the piece selection zone, the replenishment task is activated. The replenishment mechanism in the mobile client was implemented, which allows you to collect the order on one pallet as much as possible. Now, when the selection is completed, before the collected pallet is moved to the ready orders area, the employee performs an additional query, whether there are more tasks on this order. New picking tasks could appear after the replenishment, and if they were available, the corresponding information was sent to the picker's terminal and the task was formed for the execution. This algorithm avoids situations where some small item from the order is already collected on a new pallet, rather than on an already collected pallet.
Project Description
The pilot project was implemented at a warehouse in Almaty. The area of class "A" warehouse complex is 2,500 sq. m, and the assortment is about 500 SKU. There are two storage temperature modes - "warm warehouse" and "refrigerator". Implementation of the new WMS-system allowed significant revision and optimization of warehouse processes.

Prior to implementation, orders in the warehouse were collected by waybills using "paper technology". An employee had to monitor the terms of validity by himself when collecting the order, but in practice sometimes the "human factor" triggered, so that goods with the wrong expiration date were left for clients, and later returned to the warehouse, which led to additional costs and claims from customers.

After implementing AXELOT WMS X5 warehouse employees no longer need to monitor the expiration date of the goods, WMS automatically selects exactly where the goods are located with the necessary characteristics. At the same time, it is possible to assign different shelf life of products for different counterparties. For example, category A stores ship goods with a shelf life that expires after at least 90+ days, while category B and C stores ship goods with the minimum remaining shelf life.
Project geography
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