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Balton Trading (Asia) was able to optimize resources and "painlessly" put two automated warehouses into operation

Balton Trading (Asia) Ltd.
IT Provider
Year of project completion
Project timeline
March, 2020 - November, 2021
Project scope
2337 man-hours
Automation of two warehouses within one project
Organization of accounting of goods flow in the context of address storage
Minimization of dependence on staff
Increased accuracy of batch and expiration date accounting

The uniqueness of the project

In the course of the project, the principle "from small to large" was used and a sequential launch of sites and warehouse zones was carried out, which freed up resources to facilitate further implementation of the WMS.
Used software

Difficulty of implementation
First, logistical consulting was carried out. BPs were built, racking equipment was selected, and schemes for the movement of goods and the neighborhood of goods were determined.

The automation project began at a difficult time for everyone - the beginning of the pandemic. Therefore, the first and second phase of the project was carried out remotely - the boundaries were closed.

The project was also complicated by the fact that in parallel the customer carried out the replacement of the corporate system, and also had to build document management in the interaction of the three systems, TMS-WMS-ERP.

As usually it happens, the Customer's contractor had no time to implement the required ERP modules by the deadlines and also the developed integration was required. The project was temporarily suspended for about two months. After that, the decision was made to develop integration with the existing NETSUITE system.

By the beginning of Phase 3 Training and Acceptance Testing, there was an opportunity to cross the borders, which we immediately took advantage of by being on-site personally.

Since we wanted to automate two warehouses located 10 km away from each other, we chose a sequential launch strategy.

During the launch of the first site, testing was carried out employees from the second warehouse, with the support of the already trained employees and specialists of the implementer.

By the start of the launch of the second site, virtually all employees of this warehouse had been trained at the pilot warehouse.

Also during this period, the ERP contractor implemented his part, and the contractor performed the integration, because with ESB, it was not difficult for us

As a result of properly built strategy, as well as competent approach in the training of staff, all sites were combined into a single loop to work with the WMS. In parallel, the work on the implementation of the TMS was carried out.
Project Description
As part of the project, two warehouses were automated. Both are located in Tashkent, but geographically distant from each other by about 10 kilometers. The WMS system was implemented in a single loop at both sites. To optimize the use of resources and to facilitate the task, involving trained personnel in the implementation, was carried out consecutive start AXELOT WMS X5.

At the moment the project objectives have been achieved, the warehouses reached their full operational capacity, all warehouse areas are included into the single loop of the WMS-system. Since the full launch, it was possible to collect statistics on the productivity and speed of various operations. In the near future, the customer plans to conduct an audit "was/still" to assess the results and prospects for development.

The post-project audit will not only provide an opportunity to see the effect of implementing AXELOT WMS X5, but will also provide fertile ground for analyzing the results, identifying bottlenecks that need to be eliminated and possible points of growth, which are important for making strategic decisions to improve the efficiency of the warehouse.
Project geography
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
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