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Dynatrace: How Artificial Intelligence Helps Businesses Improve IT Platforms

Dynatrace held a business breakfast in Astana on the topic of automation of IT and business processes with the help of artificial intelligence technologies.

Competition in the market in modern conditions is built not only around products, but also around customer experience. For example, if all banks offer similar products, customers will choose the one whose services are more stable, reliable and faster.

For this purpose, businesses are constantly investing in the development of their IT platforms and services. This work is facilitated by APM and Observability technologies. With their help, companies ensure end-to-end observability of digital services, identify bottlenecks and prevent failures before customers encounter them.

One of the world leaders in this segment, according to research by Gartner, is Dynatrace. Dynatrace is an automated platform that combines technical and business monitoring. Experts talked about the advantages of this system, its impact on application infrastructure, code, user experience and many other aspects of business at the Dynatrace business breakfast, which was held on October 13, 2023 in Astana.

A platform that solves problems

The event was opened by Marek Drozd, Dynatrace Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He spoke about the effect that can be achieved with the implementation of APM (Application Performance Monitoring) and observability tools. The main result of implementing such tools is an increase in profits and cost reduction.

"Artificial intelligence does not replace humans, but supports their work through optimization and acceleration of processes. We use AI wherever we need fast analysis of millions of processes," said Marek Drozd.

For example, AI in the Dynatrace platform helps look for vulnerabilities to prevent them from transforming into real problems.
As an example, Marek Drozd cited TUI, one of the world's largest players in the travel industry, and Dynatrace, a Dynatrace client. Before the implementation of the observability platform, the company had certain problems with IT: several monitoring tools were used at the same time, the IT teams were not united, and the solution to each problem with the operation of services started with "fault finding", which took a lot of time instead of real work.

By implementing Dynatrace, the company solved all these problems. Now, a single platform continuously monitored the status of TUI's systems in real time and pointed out potential problems. In addition, thanks to deep analysis with the help of AI, it was easy to identify the "bottleneck" - the part of the processes where this or that problem situation occurred.

The implementation resulted in direct benefits for the company: a 50% reduction in the average time to fix errors and, as a result, £3.3 million in additional revenue. This money would not have been generated by failures if they had taken as long to fix as before.
Another example is USI Insurance Services, an insurance company from the United States. They wanted to improve the information security of their services, and decided to turn to the Dynatrace platform for this.

The changes were significant. Before the implementation, security checks were performed once a week, and security breaches were manually searched for. Now the system does all this work automatically and on a regular basis, while prompting the specialists to prioritize which breach should be "closed" first.

In this case, the result is difficult to express in money, but a qualitative improvement has been achieved - the security of confidential customer data has increased significantly, which is extremely important in the digital era.

Digitalization has become a leading trend all over the world, and Kazakhstan is no exception. Having achieved high results in digitizing the financial sector and government services, the country is deepening the introduction of new technologies - such as Dynatrace.

"We have been working in Kazakhstan for a year and a half and we see a big leap in digitalization. Its three pillars are the banking sector, e-government and digitization of enterprises. And here we see competition in the area of quality between players. For example, almost all banks now offer similar services. But the one who has better quality wins - the one who has everything working faster and more reliably. Therefore, we see great potential for APM and observability of systems in the market of Kazakhstan", - said Igor Khomkov, Managing Partner of Performance Expert, a master partner of Dynatrace in Kazakhstan.
And the first results of the platform implementation are already in place. Large companies, primarily banks, are implementing Dynatrace in their work, gaining both qualitative and quantitative benefits.

Dynatrace now has thousands of customers from a wide variety of industries around the world, all receiving best-in-class observability, scalability and immediate incident response. This allows companies using the platform to focus on accelerating innovation and improving business outcomes.

More information about the Dynatrace product is available at and

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