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Applications for the International AI Hackathon will be accepted until November 13

From November 23 to 26, Moscow will host the International Hackathon of the Digital Breakthrough project. Season: Artificial Intelligence” , part of the presidential platform “Russia is a Land of Opportunities” Teams of IT specialists from Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Ukraine and the USA will compete in a hybrid format for a prize fund of 10 million rubles. They will be presented with 10 different tasks from businesses and departments. The organizer of the project is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The hackathon is held within the framework of the federal project “Artificial Intelligence” of the national project “Digital Economy”. Until November 13 inclusive, you can submit an application for your team to participate.

As part of the International Hackathon, Moscow will bring together the strongest specialists in the field of data analysis and machine learning from all over the world. This format will be held for the first time in the project. For participants, this is an opportunity to compete for a prize fund of 10 million rubles, either face-to-face or remotely, in a real sports atmosphere. Teams will receive 500 thousand rubles for first place, 300 thousand rubles for second place, and 200 thousand rubles for third place.

Within 48 hours, participants will solve one of ten cases. The competitive part will take place on November 23–25 at the Senezh Management Workshop, and the award ceremony will take place on November 26 at the Victory Museum in Moscow.

To participate in the hackathon, you must assemble a team of developers from 3 to 5 people over 14 years old. The hackathon in Moscow will be the final competition of the season. Registration is open until November 13, 23:59 Moscow time  via the link.

The main goals of the project “Digital Breakthrough. Season: Artificial Intelligence" - creating a system for selecting personnel to solve problems, searching, developing and supporting talented, promising specialists who want to create products and services using artificial intelligence technologies, increasing the level of provision of the Russian AI technology market with qualified personnel, as well as the formation and development AI communities, popularization, development and development of products using artificial intelligence.

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