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Kazakhstan's triumph at the World Robot Olympiad in Panama

For the first time in history, three Kazakh teams climbed to the WRO podium in the Panamanian capital.

Amir Karabaev and Ansar Saurbaev from the capital’s “Robotek” school brought the country silver WRO-2023 in the “Future Engineers” category. Vagiz Disembaev and Zhanarys Kaparov, also from Robotek, replenished the medal box of Kazakhstan with Panamanian bronze. Maxim Usoltsev and Dinmukhamed Abdiev from the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Kyzylorda climbed to the podium, becoming third in the “Robomission” category. The first to congratulate the guys were their coaches Vladimir Usoltsev, Miras Muratkanov and Serik Akhmetov.

The most successful and ambitious teams of robotics from more than 80 countries took part in the main competitions of the year in Panama. The First Lady of Panama, Yazmin Colon Cartizo, who hosted the WRO relay in Dortmund last year, came to support the participants. In the country and the world, the first lady is known for working a lot and successfully with charitable and educational projects. At the Kazakh stand, Yazmin Colon Cartizo wished good luck to our guys on Panamanian soil.

The global agenda of the World Robot Olympiad is dedicated to how to make human-robot collaboration successful and safe. The main themes of WRO are traditionally related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The theme for 2023 is significant for all countries - “Connecting the World”, teams worked with robots creating infrastructure and logistics for the digital industry.

Today, the World Robot Olympiad is a global Olympiad whose mission is to promote robotics and STEM education around the world. The national team of Kazakhstan was formed based on the results of the WRO country championship. Over three days at the world finals of the World Robot Olympiad, our roboticists demonstrated creative engineering solutions and high motivation. In the overall medal standings, the national team of Kazakhstan rose to second place, behind only the Malaysian team.

It is symbolic that the Kazakh flag was raised three times in Panama when the country celebrated Digitalization and Information Technology Day .

On the sidelines of the World Robotics Olympiad in Panama, the metropolitan company Robotek signed memorandums of cooperation with well-known schools and robotics clubs in the United States of America, China, Azerbaijan, as well as with the heads of authoritative international organizations. The Secretary General of the World Robot Olympiad, Klaus Christensen, highly appreciated the large-scale projects of Robotek to promote the global mission of WRO, STEM education and robotics in the country. Klaus Christensen especially noted the popular project “Ozyq Urpaq” to train computer science teachers and schoolchildren and expand interest in  robotics .

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