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First conference in the metaverse: UTC participating countries demonstrate the potential for developing the Turkic Metaverse concept

On March 28, as part of the development of the Center for Digitalization of the Member States of the Organization of Turkic States, the first conference in the metaverse was held. The purpose of this unique event is to demonstrate the developments and development potential of the Turkic Metaverse concept.

It is known that the metaverse is a collective virtual space distributed in the digital universe, and in its essence goes far beyond the scope of ordinary virtual worlds. This concept, permeating our reality, has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the digital world.

“The Turkic Metaverse project aims to create a virtual environment that embodies the culture, history and architecture of Turkic-speaking countries. This allows users to get in touch with the rich heritage of the region and strengthen the sense of community between the peoples of the Turkic states,” said Managing Director of Astana Hub Uskembaev Tanat.

The conference was attended by representatives of the secretariat of the Organization of the Turkic States and technology parks of member states, including Astana Hub (Kazakhstan), Bilkent Cyberpark (Turkey), High Technology Park (Kyrgyzstan) and Sabah Hub (Azerbaijan). The event also included a panel session where speakers discussed the potential of the Turkic Metaverse project and the possibility of using the metaverse as a platform for dialogue, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Participants of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with innovative solutions presented by startups and technology parks, as well as communicate with their representatives. Particular attention of the guests was drawn to the yurt created by Almaty 3D artist Farhad Nigmatullin, which symbolizes the capabilities of the metaverse in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage. The support of artists and their interest in sharing work demonstrates how the metaverse can be a great platform for bringing together art and digital innovation.

The Turkic Metaverse project is deployed on the Vargates platform, an interactive 3D universe that provides users with a unique communication and learning experience. Vargates provides the opportunity to meet, share knowledge and create unique content in an interactive 3D environment.

“Our goal is to create a space based on open standards where people can freely communicate and share their knowledge in an interactive 3D environment,” said DreamLight director Alexander Mazurenko.

You can visit and get acquainted with the location, technology parks and startups by installing the Vargates platform and selecting the 1st OTS Conference location.

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