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Prime Minister Mоrocco A. Ahannouch presented the national digital development strategy “Maroc Digital 2030”

The main target indicators of the document are to increase the digital sector in GDP to 10 billion US dollars and create 240 thousand new high-tech jobs. The volume of budget investments for these purposes will reach 1 billion US dollars by 2030.

Entrepreneurs will be able to count on financial and administrative support throughout the entire project cycle. It is planned to create about 3 thousand startups aimed at exporting digital services.

An important component of the document is the “Digital Talents” program, which is aimed at creating a “pool” of 100 thousand specialized specialists by 2030. To this end, it is planned to carry out professional retraining of 50 thousand specialists annually, as well as attract foreign personnel to the country.

It is planned to expand the fiber-optic communication network, connecting new households (over 5.6 million) and government agencies (over 6.3 thousand) to it. By 2030, the 5G network should be available to 70% of the population.

The Strategy pays special attention to the topic of artificial intelligence, since projects in this area have the greatest added value.

The plans include further digitalization of administrative procedures and the creation of a single portal of public services. The benchmark is 50th place in the world ranking of the development of "electronic" government (113th at the moment) and 1st place among African countries.

A. Akhannoush noted that digitalization opens up broad employment opportunities for young people, and also emphasized that the projects within the framework of the Strategy will primarily affect the most important areas for citizens - healthcare, social protection and education.

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