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Researchers from the Mayo Clinic (USA) reported that they have developed an artificial intelligence system that can predict the outcome of childbirth.

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic (USA) reported that they have developed an artificial intelligence system that can predict the outcome of childbirth.

The technology has already begun to be applied in clinical practice. AI algorithms have been developed as a potential replacement for traditional pregnancy charts, which can give a general idea of ​​how labor is progressing, but cannot account for all of the many variables that can affect the ultimate success of labor. The researchers built the model using data from 66,586 births, about 22% of which ended in so-called "adverse outcomes." The algorithms have been trained to take into account more than 700 variables related to childbirth and the delivery process.
This included information collected both before the onset of labour, including the patients' baseline clinical data and the results of their last prenatal clinical examinations, and throughout the process illustrating their condition from hospital admission to delivery. The model continues to be tested in real maternity wards.

In recent years, the term “Internet of Things” (IoT) has become one of the most popular in the tech world. It promised to connect billions of devices. The next stage was the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which brought revolutionary changes to production processes. Today, a new term is coming onto the scene – AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things), combining the capabilities of the Internet of Things with the power of AI.

Sixty-eight IT executives from 15 countries, including Brazil, India, USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia participated in the project.

June 2024 was a very dynamic month for AI and data analytics market, marked by significant events, product launches, and industry insights.

Artem Kalivanov, CIO of Beeline Uzbekistan, discussed IT project management in terms of project definition, management models like Waterfall and Agile methodologies, and the importance of Lean in process management.

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