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Research team from Disney have revealed a new aging/de-aging tool

Research team from Disney have revealed a new aging/de-aging tool that can make an actor look convincingly older or younger, without the need for weeks of complex and expensive visual effects work.

Using neural networks and machine learning to age or de-age a person has already been tried. However, the results were not convincing and couldn’t be used on moving video. To cope with this, Disney’s researchers created a database of thousands of randomly generated synthetic faces. Existing ML aging tools were used to age and de-age these thousands of non-existent test subjects, and those results were then used to train a new neural network called FRAN (face re-aging network). Now real actors can be aged/de-aged professionally within moments.

The right choice of a business partner is one of the main tasks of any business. The quality of goods or services that the company receives, as well as its reputation, depend on the reliability of the supplier. To make the process transparent and convenient, scoring models for assessing reliability come to the rescue.

Summer is coming to an end, but life in the analytics field is bustling. New vendor announcements, promising projects, and the pervasive penetration of AI into all areas of our lives are paving the way for the upcoming business season.

Maksim Karankevich, Director of Data and Digital Transformation, Ultramar, in his presentation shared his experience of implementing a cellular-based industrial radio network.

The home goods retailer has long been committed to digital innovation, not only in product design but also in transforming operational strategies.

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