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Zyfra Industrial IoT Platform

Zyfra Industrial IoT Platform

ZIIoT is a universal platform supporting the digital transformation of industrial clients: addressing the needs of all key stakeholders: business, IT, Digital, Data Science teams and end-users.
The key features of ZIIoT: data collection, storage and management; an environment for developing enterprise business applications; administration and security management services, MES-solutions based on platform. ZIIoT is a ready-to-use platform for rapid deployment that provides all the necessary tools for IT-system lifecycle management.

The ZIIoT platform is built on a microservice architecture that reduces the complexity of the IT landscape, increases its resistance to potential disruptions, and makes it relatively easy and rapid to change and add features without the risk of destroying the entire solution. The platform consists of hundreds of user and system microservices interacting with each other via REST APIs.

Zyfra Platform EU Case

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