Projects submitted
Published projects
Days before the deadline

Best Solution in the Subject Area

  1. ERP Systems
  2. CRM Systems
  3. EDMS/ECM Systems
  4. Business Applications (BMP, PLM, maintenance)
  5. Analytics and Big Data
  6. Services and Outsourcing
  7. Creation and Modernization of Infrastructure
  8. Cloud Environments
  9. Mobile Solutions
  10. AI/RPA/IoT
  11. Information Security
  12. Portals
  13. Knowledge Management
  14. Data Storage and Management

Best Industry-specific Solution

  1. Banking/Finance/Insurance 1
  2. Public Administration/NPO 1
  3. Retail/E-commerce 1
  4. Wholesale
  5. Transport
  6. Logistics 1
  7. Manufacturing (engineering/equipment)
  8. FMCG 1
  9. Fuel and Energy
  10. Metallurgy/Continuous production/Mining
  11. Chemistry and Petrochemistry
  12. Medicine and Pharmaceuticals 4
  13. Education/Science
  14. Telecom 1
  15. Media/Arts/Entertainment/Sports
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