Information Technology Development in Central Asia. New approaches

One of the most significant developments was the modernization of communication infrastructure. More than 1,200 rural communities gained internet access, and 3,700 government and budgetary organizations were connected to high-speed internet. These enhancements have not only increased the availability of services and information but also strengthened literacy among the population.
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Andrey Kuznetsov, IT Bastion Product Development Specialist:
“The modern technological enterprise is trying, though not always of its own free will, to “digitalize”, but process management through dozens of handshakes and approvals has not gone anywhere, and file transfer via usb-carriers or data recording in notebooks in a box is almost the established norm in conditions of isolation of network segments. Moreover, not everyone realizes that the process of digitalization of production must automatically be accompanied by the process of information security: the more computers there are, the more profitable it is to break them”

In 2024, Kyrgyzstan achieved significant success in the field of digital economy, which was made possible by several key trends. All these trends are aimed at creating a digital ecosystem that will contribute to the sustainable and inclusive development of the country. One of the most notable areas was the creation of convenient online services for citizens and businesses. This has made it possible to improve the quality of service and improve the efficiency of government agencies by automating business processes and improving electronic interaction and data exchange.

Asem Boltazhan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Qazpost Digital:
"Kazpost" is the national postal service operator in Kazakhstan. The organization has a wide network of branches throughout the country. It also operates in rural areas. Postal and financial services are available to customers. Despite its advantages, "Kazpost" required transformation. In 2023, a digital office was organized. Here's the story of the company's development journey.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has been actively implementing a strategy called "Digital Uzbekistan 2030". This 15-page document is a ten-year action plan aimed at creating a modern and efficient digital infrastructure. It’s main goal is to ensure sustainable economic development and improve the quality of life of the population.
The plan includes more than 220 priority projects covering various fields, from education and healthcare to financial services and public administration. The implementation of these projects will significantly increase the level of digitalization in the country.