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Category Files Size Description
Regulation on the Project Management Department REGULATION ON THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT.docx 29 KB Order, General Provisions, Main Tasks, Functions, Rights, Responsibilities
Terms of reference for the creation of an automated module of the key performance indicators management system TERMS OF REFERENCE .docx 63.11 KB This Technical Specification defines the requirements for the composition and scope of work in creating an information automated goal-oriented management system, including:

  • purpose and objectives of the system creation;
  • requirements for the system structure and architecture;
  • requirements for software architecture;
  • requirements for hardware architecture;
  • requirements for System functions;
  • requirements for information control in the system;
  • requirements for the system operating mode;
  • requirements for system reliability;
  • requirements for information protection against unauthorized access;
  • requirements for work stages of creation and implementation.

Service Desk SERVICE DESK WORK REGULATIONS.docx 69.2 KB This document has been prepared for the implementation of work on optimizing the information technology service processes of the Customer and details the role-based procedure for incident management in terms of receiving and processing incidents.
Service Desk Process indicators and metrics.docx 221.06 KB The scope of this document is related to monitoring the effectiveness of IT management processes, as well as controlling the provision and assurance of quality services.
Terms of Reference On the Procedure for IT Support of Users through Service Desk.docx 219 KB This Technical Specification details the requirements for developing an automated information system for management by objectives, covering its purpose, architecture, functions, data protection, reliability, and the stages of creation and implementation.
Checklist Checklist 10 mistakes .docx 26.88 KB The checklist contains 10 typical mistakes in corporate architecture management, which lists common misconceptions when building an architecture office and provides recommendations on how to avoid these mistakes for effective change management in the company. The checklist shows the importance of an integrated strategic approach to architecture, close connection of the architecture office with business goals and top management involvement to achieve digital transformation.
Methodology IT-Budget.xls 55.5 KB A template for the IT budget structure is presented. Key components of the IT budget and typical quantitative relationships between its various parts.
Methodology Survey methodology.docx 50.87 KB The present methodology for conducting a survey contains a description of the procedure for carrying out the survey work and the procedure and rules for documenting the results of its implementation. This methodology contains:
  • a description of the work performed during the survey;
  • a description of the survey methods;
  • forms of document templates developed during the survey
Checklist Checklist for Assessing and Improving Business Processes.docx 13.05 KB Checklist
Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for Improvement of IT service management system and automation of basic processes.docx 126.96 KB The Terms of Reference describe the following requirements:
  • to the composition of services;
  • project phasing;
  • methodology of service delivery.

In terms of result delivery, the Terms of Reference describes the following requirements:
  • to the developed process regulations, to the process documentation;
  • to the functional capabilities of the process automation system;
  • to the developed technical documentation.
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